We are listing out 4 of the most impactful HR mistakes here. The question is, are you interested to find out if your organization is making these costly missteps?
Data always tells a super compelling story, doesn’t it? And more often than not, it’s WAY more compelling than whatever we can articulate.
We at HR Empire strongly believe that if employees are the lifeblood of an organization, the HR department is its central nervous system. Think about it guys, your HR department is under tremendous pressure every day. And it’s completely common for mistakes to happen. The issue is that HR mistakes are not your average run-of-the-mill typos. Any mistake made by your HR department has the potential to devastate your company’s financial situation.
HR Mistakes Aren’t Cheap People!
I’m sure we can all agree that the cost of settlements are beginning to soar. On top of that when you add insurance and litigations costs, the resulting cost becomes nightmarish!
To give you an idea of what we mean, here are some facts:
- The average sexual harassment settlement costs $250,000.
- It can cost a staggering $5000 to hire a new employee. So, it’s crucial you get it right the first time.
- A discrimination lawsuit can cost upwards of $125,000. Imagine that!
Spilt your coffee yet? Most of us here certainly did when we came to know about this.
So, without any further ado here are the 4 most impactful HR mistakes and how to prevent them.
Fasten your seat belts!
1. #Timesup on Turning a Blind Eye to Workplace Harassment
It is strictly important to remember that employers can be held liable for acts of sexual harassment committed in the workplace. To avoid this, EVERY employer must:
- Take justified and actionable steps to curb sexual harassment.
- Ensure that every employee is provided with a safe and hygienic workplace.
It is severely important for an HR to show that they actually care about their fellow employee.
2. Re-Engage Disengaged Employees
Today, more than ever, organizations rely heavily on the energy, commitment and engagement of their workforce. We have spoken with former NAVY SEALS who have expressed that the only reason they continue to dominate the battlefield is because of 100% employee engagement.
But how do managers know who is engaged?
- Placing Everyone in the right role – We can’t stress enough in pointing out that talent acquisition and retention strategies HAVE to be aligned with meeting company goals.
- Giving every team member the proper training – No manager in history has ever been able to build a culture of trust and accountability without first setting up the team for success. Providing consistent training to every team member is mandatory!
- Frequent engagement discussions – Successful managers hold “state of engagement” meetings and “engage” everyone in the discussion — and solutions. So, get on it!
3. Severe Focus on Cross-Cultural Management
Cultural competency always equals stronger, more effective teams. It might be tricky sometimes to manage relationships between colleagues, superiors, and subordinates. Most teams are often bonded by a shared culture like a common language or history.
This is the sole reason why a new employee often finds it difficult to adapt to a new working environment. This can be overcome through intercultural training. This process vastly helps in reduces culture shock for staff posted abroad (international assignees). Thus, improving the chances of a successful international assignment ultimately resulting in workplace success.
To summarize, there are several large-scale benefits to Cross-cultural management.
- It helps people learn more about themselves
- Significantly boosts confidence
- Aids in developing interpersonal skills
- Results in eventual career development
4. Relying Way Too Heavily on Interviews
As discussed earlier hiring can be seriously expensive.
Did you know that 74% of employers have said they’ve hired the wrong person for a position? We think it’s high time we re-think the whole interviewing process. No need to worry, here are the steps to do it:
Creating a predetermined interview scorecard – We highly recommend that you develop a baseline of standard interview questions for each attribute. You can achieve this by allowing your scorecard to have a grading scale for a candidate’s technical skills, leadership ability, culture fit, and demonstrated accomplishments. This scale can range from “Low” to “Outstanding.”
Trust us when we say this works because even technology pioneers such as Google utilize them as a part of their hiring process.